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Dogs of War MC Episode 6 Page 7

  He could enhance the chosen ones strength, their senses, their natural talents, but he couldn’t give them the capability to withstand magic. Thankfully the only magic the shifters had was their ability to change form and their own heightened strengths and senses, they weren’t really a threat to the chosen. And the other inhuman species didn’t see them as a threat either, which is why they were the perfect candidates to seed disease and destruction in their midst. Then when the all the other unnatural creatures were taken care of, they could decide what to do with the shifters, it wasn’t as if they needed to keep them around for any purpose. The whole ‘second on the food chain’ line was just something to offer them to take the bait, the council didn’t intend to actually allow the filthy things to rule above humans, who were, after all, their brothers, no matter how weak and insignificant.

  But even if the Dogs of War did not accept their gracious invitation there were others that would jump at the chance. He’d just wanted to work with the Dogs because they seemed a little bit more honorable than most of the other packs he’d encountered. A little less prone to base villainy anyway. Though they all seemed to run towards an almost Neanderthalic mindset, fighting for the barest of scraps while the whole world could have been their oysters, if they’d only had the drive or intelligence to use their strengths to overcome. But he guessed it was lucky that they didn’t seem to have either. Neither did any of the other perversions of nature that inhabited the planet, they all seemed content to hide their great powers and let the humans rule the world. He wasn’t going to complain, if one of these groups had decided to take what they could, power, privilege, position, then his group would have never been born. He’d never have had the opportunity to have joined the chosen, to work for the greatest organization the world would ever encounter. No, it was better for everyone involved that they stay hidden, that way no one would miss them when they were gone.

  “This is our first subject,” John held his clipboard up, flipping a page to get the information he wanted. “A twenty three year old fae female, found in a parking lot outside of a mall. She put up quite a fight, but was finally restrained with the help of the new ropes that just came out of development.”

  Frederick nodded, they’d come to a stop in front of an old wooden door with only a slit for a window. He was going to have to get new windows installed in all of the doors, he didn’t actually like being in the room with the test subjects, he liked watching from a respectable distance. Anything closer felt a little messy.

  John opened the door and indicated that Frederick should go in. Buckled to a gurney in the middle of the room was a girl, her body uncovered, her sparkling big blue eyes wide with fright. Frederick surveyed her and found himself a little saddened that she was going to be used in such a way. She really was quite lovely with her honey blonde hair and perfectly tanned flawless skin, even strapped down she somehow managed to look alluring from the rosy tips of her breasts to the graceful curve of her pubic mound. But then the fae were noted for their physical perfection, humans in particular found them almost irresistible.

  Standing beside the subject was another research assistant, who gave a small nod when they’d walked in, still intent on her task of taking the fae’s vitals and recording them on the rolling computer station.

  “Mr. Hawthorn, this is Latisha, she’s only been here since we’ve moved to this facility,” John said.

  “Nice to meet you Latisha, I hope that you’re enjoying your position here?”

  Latisha didn’t smile or take her eyes away from her work, “No, Sir, I don’t. But I find it fascinating, which makes up for the grotesque nature of the job.”

  Frederick couldn’t help but smile, this was a girl after his own heart, “Good, I’m sure you’ll do well here.”

  John, looking nervous at Latisha’s candid response, asked, “Are we ready to begin?”

  “Yes, the formula in six variations of strength are here,” she indicated the small labeled bottles sitting on the side of the station, “the subject has been prepped, her vitals taken, she’s in perfect health and not experiencing any outside trauma.”

  “Good, will you begin?” John said, making notes on his clipboard.

  “Yes, we’ll start with the weakest formula and work our way up,” Latisha unscrewed the tiny black lid on one of the bottles and pulled out a dropper, “We’re going to apply it in random body areas, the effect should be the same no matter where it is applied.”

  She hovered the dropper over one of the girl’s perfectly toned thighs and carefully let exactly one drop onto the sun-kissed skin.

  The effect was instantaneous, the body writhing under it’s bounds, muscles and veins straining against the skin, her face pulled into a rictus of muted agony.

  Frederick watched as the serum soaked into the skin, turning the girl’s bronzed coloring into a dull grey circle that spread ever wider before his eyes, until one entire leg was discolored. Slowly the color faded from the abdomen, then the other leg, across her perfect breasts, and down her arms, until the only thing left was her neck and face and then even that was the ash grey of a overcast winter’s day.

  Her body jerked and her heart slowed and then finally stopped altogether.

  “Fourteen minutes and twenty seven seconds,” Latisha said as she recorded the number on her computer.

  Frederick was impressed, “Does it work on anything other than fae?”

  “So far we’ve tried it on shifters, fae, witches, and vampires, all of the most populous super natural element.”

  “Unnatural elements Latisha, unnatural. There’s nothing super about them,” Frederick corrected gently.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “And were the results similar on all of those species?” he asked.

  “The only difference is the time frame in which it worked. We haven’t begun testing the stronger formulas yet, as the diluted version has been working so well.”

  “Good, good, this is progress. Keep me appraised of the results.”

  “Yes, sir,” Latisha and John said in unison.

  Frederick left the new facility with a bounce in his step, if things kept moving ahead at such a pace he had high hopes for his ambitions within the council, and for the future of all of the chosen. If testing on this particular formula proved it affective against most of the undesirables and they could send it into mass production, that would set their plan ahead by months, if not years.

  Frederick decided to whistle, he wasn’t usually one for outward displays of emotion but this was indeed an occasion. Yes, things were going splendidly.

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